Portugal Sou Eu
"Protect Portugal this Christmas" CAMPAIGN
With the same goal as the previous campaign – raise consumers awareness for the conscious buying and increase the engagement of all Portuguese to buy Portuguese products – we selected some of the most representative items of the “Portugal Sou Eu” project that here, under a “new light”, appeal to all the Portuguese to prioritize, this Christmas more than ever, Portuguese products when shopping.
This campaign focuses on the need to change behaviour, it challenges the Portuguese public to put aside the usual Christmas items and prioritise what really matters. A bottle of olive oil, a pair of shoes, a fish or even a piece of clothing become the leading figures of the campaign, bringing awareness to the Portuguese market. This visual disruption is caused by the strangeness of seeing two distinct elements - a product of common use and the Christmas lights - that together pass a new idea, generating a visual concept with the message that "this Christmas we will give a new light to Portuguese products.. This call to action intends to bring awareness to the fact that together the Portuguese can make the country grow, at a time even more challenging for everyone.